Probably not. Then
why do people (whether entrepreneurs, Individuals, companies and partnerships) resort
to assigning their crucial legal work to Financial Consultants or Chartered
Accountants? Is it really helping them cut cost? Or is it exposing them to
increased, if not unlimited, liability?
Recently, it has
become customary for entrepreneurs to get their legal work done by their
Financial Consultants or Chartered Accountants. This is mainly because they get
to save money as the CA is not authorized to do legal work and hence, charges
far less than what a lawyer would charge for the same. Since every company is
required to appoint a CA mandatorily, whereas appointment of a lawyer is
optional. But what they fail to realize is that the most crucial legal work
requires a set of skills and aptitude which a CA would not possess. The quality
of the work correlates the quantity of fees charged by them, which is low. When
drafting new agreements or joint ventures essential to the business, the best
of legal services must be availed of. By giving such work to your financial
consultant, you are not only jeopardizing your business transactions, but also
putting the entire company at risk. The CA or the FC will only copy-paste
clauses from an old agreement without thinking if they are applicable or not,
as well as, he will fail to add new clauses which might be important to add as
it is case specific.
Consultants are equipped to handle accounts and develop financial strategies
and all the operations which constitute “financial services”. These financial
services are widely different from “legal services”. Overlapping of the
financial and legal services will only cause havoc and chaos for sure, if not
sooner then later. Hence, it is advisable that one should refrain from assigning
their legal work to CAs. In the long run, such a practice can prove fatal to
your business and instead of saving costs you are exposing yourself to failed
ventures and unlimited liabilities.
Entrepreneurs assigning such legal work to unqualified non legal
persons are only digging a ditch for themselves to fall into. When the time
comes and a dispute arises, maybe the arbitration clause would be missing, or
the lack of fine tuning in the contract would later lead to bigger issues and
hence, huge losses can be incurred by the company. Is it worth saving lawyer’s
fees at the cost of humongous risks being associated with it?
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